KPI and Health Metric dashboards

- As a User, I can see the dashboard for KPIs and Health Metrics for organizational units
- As a User, I can see the dashboard for KPIs and Health Metrics for value units
- As a User, I can see the dashboard for KPIs and Health Metrics for teams
- As a User, I can view the Values page, so that measurements/values for every KPI/Health Metric can be seen
- Add "Go to Value Units to create new" entry
- Add informative inactive entry for Strategic Areas
- Add informative inactive entry for Org Unit types
- Add informative inactive entry for Value Unit types
- Welcome page steps modified texts
- Remove USSR in the countries list
- Add "Previous quarter" and "Previous year" in the Period selector quick picks
- Each Org Unit detail page can be configured as a start page
- Add "VIEW KPIs & HMs" and "VIEW GOAL BOARD" buttons at Org Units page
- Add "VIEW KPIs & HMs" and "VIEW GOAL BOARD" buttons at Value Units page
- Change helper text on Create/Edit Team
- A bit more informative text at KPI Board when no data
- Hide buttons on KPI Board when no data
- Add VIEW buttons on KPI \(& HM\) Boards
- Message at KPIs page is too narrow when all scopes are off