Value Item classes and types, Value Unit detail page

- Display the implicit % unit at HM dashboard section
- Remove space before the comma between Teams at Value Units page
- Period filter not applied on first Goal Table view access
- At Hierarchy, all Base VI Types must be listed
- Don't show the unit if there is no value
- Do not allow more than one Org Unit head to be entered
- Key Results overlay is missing icons and the titles should not be blue
- Fix query for Value Items to match Workboard's query
- Edit Key Result form gets dirty even if nothing changed
- As a User, I can create any factory default type of Value Item, so that not only tasks can be created
- As a User, I can view and use the default Value Item Classes, so that new VI Types can be classified
- As a User, I can view and use the default Value Item Types, so that they can be used for classifying Value Items
- As a User, I can see the default Value Item hierarchy, so that the onthology in that subject area can be understood
- As a User, I can manage Value Unit's General properties
- As a User, I can manage Value Unit's People & Teams
- As a User, I can archive and unarchive any Value Unit
- Text changes for Update KPI and HM edit drawer
- Display units at thresholds input fields in KR/KPI/HM wizard
- Add two "\+CREATE" buttons in the expanded panel of the metric template
- Add two "\+CREATE" buttons to Metric Template detail page
- Create Goal from Goal template
- Attach KR template to existing draft goal
- Search at Goal template should search on KRs also
- Change the placeholder search text and rename the button to "OKR GOALS" at the Library
- Hide tag "published::platform"
- Modify Value Units page to look the same as Org Units page
- Make a static link \(new browser tab\) to Agile Tools Changelog
- Goals second-level navigation \+ renaming to "OKR Goals"
- Remove vertical borders from all tables \(except in Settings\)
- Strategy second-level navigation
- Library second-level navigation
- Add new entries to default factory Value Unit types
- Change last entry text in VI Type selector
- Modify mandatory fields in the VI create form
- Make VI Titles at Value Items page clickable
- Change the Settings nav item name under Value Items
- Shorten VU field and widen VI Type field
- Editing Value Item's "parent" \(Value Unit\) must be possible
- Make Value Item type icon visible without user touching the config
- Expanded Value Item card must have a blue border
- Add link to VI key and change button on My Board
- Unify colors for VI Keys and Titles
- Change Key Result Scoring names
- Show Workboards for active teams only
- Add VIEW WORKBOARD\(S\) button at Value Items page
- Add edit pencil action icon to Value Item detail page
- Add VIEW WORKBOARD button to Team detail page \(both views\)
- At Goals, make Teams, VUs and OUs clickable
- Goal Board accountability visual clues \+ other UI tweaks
- Default thresholds for KR Percentage type and gauge chart max value
- Add dynamic title \(scope\) at Goal creation